The Heart of a Woman
The heart of a woman
Is not
a toy
To be handled recklessly.
It is a fragile gift
Given to only a few.
The heart of a woman
made of the finest threads
That God could find,
Woven into a tapestry
Full of wonder and delight.
The heart of a woman
pure and true
To family, friends,
And those she loves.
It is with God’s hands
A woman was created.
It is with God’s love
We were born.
And with God’s love
There comes hope.
And with hope
There blooms
In every woman’s heart
A beauty and grace
is all her own.
A woman walks
In the splendor
of youth.
She walks upon the sands of time
As if to never grow old.
The gentle wind is upon her
Her eyes are aglow with sentimental love.
The kiss of the sun is upon her cheeks
And the call of her name
comes from the clouds above.
Each woman
Was designed
With a purpose in mind
A goal to fulfill.
To each is given
A measure
of faith.
Love and hope
Abide in the depths of her heart.
And from the depths of her heart
Come the dreams of tomorrow.
And with every dream
There comes a special peace.
And with peace
There comes
And from joy
There comes love.
And with love
There comes a time
When the tears of life
No longer
For Everything
Has fallen
into place
Just as the designer and creator
Had planned it from the start.
So this day
I give to you
A piece of my heart
To carry with you
Where ever you may go.
This is a gift I give to you.
Treasure it always.
For it came from above
As a blessing to all.
Joan Nicholes
May 2005